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Women of Worth Value Their Time
As women, we get more done in a day than anyone. Many of us operate as “one-woman-show” in business and our personal life. We’re entrepreneurs, executives, moms or maybe running a household with a spouse that travels full time.
We’re running errands, picking up office supplies and cleaning the office while trying to juggle the phones, deadlines, sales and more. On top of that, we have kids to pick up at school, laundry, meals, shopping, and church or sports activities. Whether you have help or not, it all needs to get done on time. Knowing what your time is worth is the first step to knowing when and where you should outsource.
In business ask yourself “am I doing $10 an hour work?” that’s keeping me from doing “$100 an hour work?” Decide, then prioritize, and then outsource or delegate. We’re undermining our own time, and the value of it by thinking we can and should do it all. Think your time is less valuable as “a stay at home mom?” Think again. In 1979 an attorney successfully argued a housewife was worth more than $40,000 a year as a full-time homemaker.
Our time is worth a lot more than we often think. And some of the things we do are priceless, like nurturing a fevered brow, kissing a boo-boo on the knee, or closing that really big sale. To get you thinking confidently about your time, here are some tips:
Value Your Time
Start with how much you think each hour of your day is worth. Factor in everything you do, and all the pop-up responsibilities that pull you away from larger priorities. Is it worth $10 an hour? $25 an hour? $300? Then have the confidence to own your worth and find ways to spend your time on high-worth activities, outsourcing where you can.
Respect Your Time
Once you know your time is valuable, don’t let anyone undermine it. Respect your own time by disciplining yourself not to give your time away to people and projects that do not align with your values or goals, whether in business or life. Get good at saying no to things that waste your time and energy.
Teach Others To Respect Your Time
Set boundaries, and be clear about what you can and cannot do. Don’t waver and don’t ever over-explain why you must pass on something. We tend to ever-explain, and we just don’t need to. Over-explaining leads to negotiations, which leads to caving in.
While I was working for a company doing everything from talking to clients to servicing accounts, to getting coffee for my boss, to fixing the copy machine (while having my own house professionally cleaned because I didn’t have the time then hiring and firing numerous cleaning services), I realized I needed to do this on my own. Following my dream, I founded PetalSweet Cleaning providing my personal dedication to perfection. Our philosophy is simple: If you pay someone to clean your home, it should be exceptionally clean. Call today to schedule a free quote—we’ll help you get your fun or family time back!
Call 330.635.2294 to schedule your cleaning today!
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